Lincolnshire SCITT

Primary ITT

All Primary trainees will be qualified to teach across the 3-11 phase, specialising in either the 3-7 (EYFS and key stage 1) or 5-11 (key stage 1 & 2) age range. On application, candidates can choose which age range they wish to specialise in and will also be able to request year group they spend their ‘main placement’ in. This will be determined by school availability within their locality.

Trainees join their chosen training school on the first day of the academic year and in a typical week will spend four days in their training school and one day in core training. Trainees become part of the school team, attend training days and staff meetings which enables them to develop a well-rounded understanding of the role of a teacher.

Our Primary programme offers:

  • High proportions of time in school; learning ‘at the chalk face’ the role of a teacher;
  • Dedicated, weekly mentor support, which meets the individuals' training needs;
  • School-based training led by experienced professionals, who model and demonstrate teaching and learning strategies;
  • High quality and evidence informed central training, led by local or national specialists;
  • A safe space to practise teaching and hone skills, with expert feedback;
  • A strong network of support; we want our trainees to thrive and build a love of teaching and learning;
  • A second school experience as part of your specialist training phase;
  • An extensive choice of partnership schools;
  • Qualified Teacher Status, with PGCE awarded in partnership with the University of Lincoln.

How to apply:

For further information on fees and funding please follow this link.

Further information on the application process can be found on our How to Apply pages, please click here.

Contact us - Lincolnshire ITT

For all enquiries please contact us on our enquiry form, email on the relevant email address below or contact us by telephone on 01522 889297.

Our office hours are 08:00 to 16:00 from Monday to Thursday and 08:00 to 15:30 on Friday.
