Lincolnshire SCITT

Reforming Governance - Securing Fitness for Purpose

Providing that Governors are fulfilling the purpose of governance as set out in Section 1 of the DFE Governance Handbook, they are free to put in place whatever structures and arrangements that they see fit.  The key consideration is 'are we fulfilling the purposes as effectively and as efficiently as possible?'

Many school governing boards have done things in the same way for many years without stopping and evaluation effectiveness and efficiency.  The DFE Governance Handbook identifies Evaluation as one of the six dimensions of effective governance and recommends that governing boards tae a systematic approach to evaluation their work and the fitness for purpose of their ways of working.

Across the county - including in Lincolnshire - many schools/governing boards are reforming their governance arrangements - different structures/committees, different roles for those involved in governance, different meeting schedules.  They are finding that reformed ways of working are resulting in better governance.

The Lincolnshire Leaders of Governance are working with schools to support them in reforming their governance.  If you would like support to assist you in reforming how you do things, please contact us on:  or 01522 553240