Lincolnshire SCITT

External Reviews of Governance

An external review of governance looks at how well your school/academy’s Governing Body is working. A trained Leader of Governance works with the Governing Body, Headteacher and Clerk to improve the performance of your Governing Body.

Ofsted will sometimes recommend that a school has a review. In this case, the purpose of the review is to enable a school to move from a rating of ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’ to at least ‘good’. The review is designed as support to improve and develop governance, and not as an additional inspection. It will help your Governing Body to identify priorities for improvement, and provide support on what steps to take.

Cost: An external review of Governance will usually take between 2 to 3 days, including a follow up visit to review impact. The charge for a full review will be agreed between the reviewer and the school/academy. However, the estimated cost is around £1,000 to £1,500.

Shorter ‘health-check’ style reviews are also available at £225 per half-day equivalent.

For Further information or to arrange an External Review of Governance, please email