Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST)
Do you teach Secondary/Core Maths, Physics or MFL and are not a specialist in the subject?
A free and flexible Teacher Subject Specialism Training course could increase your subject knowledge and confidence. You will meet and learn with teachers in the same position.
Would you like to upskill in Maths, Physics or MFL?
Secondary teachers are sometimes required to teach a non-specialist subject. Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST) can help. The training is delivered by experience subject teachers and training is free. If you are already teaching or would like to teach Secondary/Core Maths, Physics or MFL an are not a specialist in these subjects then a TSST course could benefit you and your school.
Do you want to return to teaching?
Teachers who want to return after a career break to teach secondary/core maths, physics or MFL can access free Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST). Register for one-to-one support from a DFE return to teaching advisor either by calling the Return to Teaching helpline on 0800 085 0971, or online at www.education.gov.uk/returners
If any of the above apply to you then you may be able to enrol on this DFE funded Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST)
The aim of the programme is to support staff to improve their subject knowledge to Higher GCSE and level 3 standard appropriate for teaching Maths, MFL and Physics qualifications.
The Programme:
The format of the programme will be 7 sessions including a mop-up (Physics and Maths) over the course of the year where tutors will support participants with content and pedagogy. In between the sessions participants will have the support of a tutor to deepen their understanding of the ideas.
MFL is a bespoke programme offering 1:1 support. Languages supported through this programme are: French, Spanish and German. Sessions can be conducted via computer (Skype), telephone or face to face.