Case Study - Governor Training

The Deepings Cluster have used the Stronger Governance training offer to strengthen their governance skills within their cluster. Find out more below as to how you can use the commissioned training courses within your cluster or network of schools/academies.
The primary schools in The Deepings area have been ‘clustering’ for very many years. Heads’ and Chairs’ meetings every long term have been, more recently, complemented by Chairs’ meetings at similar intervals. Working co-operatively has benefitted our schools in many ways not least our recent initiative to share training.
Geographically, being so close to the Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border, the Deepings is not well placed to encourage governors, new or time served, to training events in Lincoln, Horncastle, Gainsborough or even Grantham. Several of our cluster schools have therefore sourced training from Governor Services in Peterborough, only 10 miles away. This certainly has its benefits in terms of convenience but Peterborough is not Lincolnshire and the content of courses, updates or briefings were frequently not appropriate, and sometimes even confusing, for our governors.
Consequently, buying training from Stronger Governance for Education in Lincolnshire appeared to be an attractive option. With the potential attendance of as many as 40 governors and free training venues within a radius of a couple of miles, the forecast was that we would be buying places for around £25 per person assuming 20 governors attending a £500 course.
Our first two events, in February and September this year, attracted attendance of more than 20; our latest 25, so the cost to each school was based on £20 per delegate. Clearly this was extremely attractive given the pressure on school finances. Course content is based on recognised NGA packages. It is thought-provoking, stimulating and encourages reflection on current working practices. There is recognition that every school is different; every governing board works differently. Therefore, governing boards are encouraged to review that their working practices to effectively deliver their strategic responsibilities.
Maybe your school could join forces with other local schools to support your governors by organising local, relevant and cost effective training being offered through the Stronger Governance offer.
Please click here for further information surrounding our Commissioned Training Sessions