Hollie: Improving Subject Knowledge and Support
As an adult it can be a daunting prospect to suddenly reconsider everything you know. For me this consisted of eighteen years of schooling, with my primary education being, of course, right at the start of this. I found myself wondering if my subject knowledge remained and how would I ever teach a class if I could not even remember my own learning. Nevertheless, it soon became apparent that my concerns were nothing but pre-course jitters.
SCITT is structured in to allow for you to regain, or even learn for the first time, all of the subject knowledge required to become a knowledgeable and confident teacher. From the taught sessions, which cover a breadth of subjects, to your time in school, you begin to quickly build up a valuable bank of knowledge to put into practice. The training and support that come with it are immeasurable.
Since beginning my training I feel like my subject knowledge improves constantly, but in manageable amounts. If there has ever been a time that I have faced self-doubt the amazing SCITT leaders have filled me with confidence and fuelled my desire to succeed even more. To anyone considering the course I would say that you can do it, you will learn the subject knowledge you need with guidance and support, and most importantly, take that support. Ask for that support. They understand, and they will always have a way to help you out.